3 Great Road Trips for Mirage Owners | Mitsubishi Dealership

August 24th, 2014 by

Mirage Road Trip - Mitsubishi Dealership

Expedition season is 365 days long here at your local Miami Mitsubishi dealership (and in South Florida in general). But that’s not the case for all the points within driving distance of the Mitsubishi Mirage.

So while the summer traveling season still has some life to it, we thought it might be helpful to layout a couple of South Florida road trips that take advantage of the Mirage’s great gas milage.

Miami to Key West

In a mere four hours and $30 in gas you can be in Key West, the southern most point in the USA. The tropical paradise is deluged with tiki-bars but few are as highly recommended as The Rum Bar on Duval Street .

The small and unsuspecting establishment has a few different notable qualities but, obviously, the rum selection is their claim to fame.

Miami to Huntsville, AL

Huntsville Alabama is only a couple days (@ 6-7 hrs driving per day) and $95 in gas. Gainsville Florida is a good midway point to spend the night and features a nice selection of bed and breakfast options including the Camila Rose Inn which offers 19 th century opulence as low as $125 a night.

Once you get to Huntsville you’ll find plenty of accommodations within a short drive off the Marshall Space Flight Center , a NASA maintained rocket museum that educates visitors on why Huntsville Alabama is known as Rocket Town USA.

The engineering pedigree isn’t dead as you can see for yourself by cruising by the headquarters of Curse—a global online media and technology company. The thriving San Francisco startup moved their company to the North Alabama town to have more access to the abundant engineers of the region.

Miami to Austin, TX

About $150 in gas will take you to Austin Texas, a thriving cultural mecca that has come into its own in the last 20 years. The drive along the southern coasts of the lower United States is a destination in its own and Tallahassee and New Orleans offer perfect rest points in you want to make the trip a relaxing three day drive.

Once you arrive in Austin, your biggest challenge will be narrowing down with sights to take in.

The recommendations on Yelp.com alone can keep you busy for the rest of the summer. A more notable suggestion is Austin’s Graffiti Park — a urban art experience that few cities can offer. The artistic experiment is centrally located in downtown Austin in and among tons of eclectic eateries. Moonshine Patio Bar & Grill is pretty close and gets great reviews across the menu.

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