Five Rules to Follow Before and During Off-roading
Made for the wide open road, Jeep ® brand vehicles are no strangers to adventure and wilderness. Off-roading in a Jeep is almost a rite of passage for any adventure enthusiast, but off-roading on the wild side is no easy feat. This is where Jeep vehicles shine – top of the line safety features and endless 4×4 systems make off-roading a breeze.
Preparing Your Vehicle
Consumers should perform a thorough check of their vehicle before heading out on the road, the same way they would before heading out on a road trip. All oils and fluids should be topped off, all hoses should be in good conditions and the battery should be fastened. The tires must be in good condition with sufficient tread and appropriate tire pressure. Prepping the vehicle will help avoid any unpleasant surprises down the road. No one should go off road alone in remote and unknown areas.
Ready, Set, Go
Getting ready to go off road is only half the battle as drivers should be able to cautiously judge trail conditions. Determining when to engage the four-wheel-drive (4WD) is an incredibly important skill that can turn an exciting afternoon into a nightmare. Drivers should look over the hood while scanning the terrain from left to right to see when the need for additional traction presents itself. Engaging the 4WD after getting stuck is nearly impossible.
Speeding not Necessary
Speed and power have nothing to do with off-roading – it’s not a race! Experts recommend crawling – _ not speeding _ – over obstacles. The lowest gear should be engaged, and a low speed that seems as if the vehicle is idling will get a Jeep 4×4 vehicle through the roughest trails. Consumers will be surprised to read that the average speed at the famed Rubicon Trail ranges a measly one-to-five miles per hour. Off-roading isn’t a speed sport, it’s slow and methodical.
Sandy Situations
Off-roading in the desert? Driving through sand will require exceptional traction, and dropping air pressure 10-12 pounds below normal pressure on conventional tires will definitely help. Depending on the condition of the terrain, low-range or high-range 4WD may be necessary. Wide turns are recommended as tight turning slows the vehicle down and can even contribute to getting the vehicle stuck. The idea is to always keep moving forward.
Your Best Behavior
Off-roaders must observe all posted signs, stay on trails and go off road only in approved areas. Treading lightly is the key, and sound judgment should be used at all times to preserve the beauty and solitude of the trail. If the terrain appears fragile, off-roaders should seek an alternate route. “Leave it better than you found it” is the general rule when off-roading.
Bitten by the adventure bug? Come by Miami Lakes Jeep and check out the all-new 2018 Jeep Wrangler or the 2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee Trackhawk for exceptional power. If you already own a Jeep then you’ll be glad to learn that our service department is now open on Sunday for your convenience. Schedule a service appointment today!
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